Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have been trying to post onto my blog for five days now but for some darn reason, the pictures won't load. ARGH!!!!! Anyhoo, I'm posting my blog anyway and will try to get the pictures later.

I have a desk I bought at Target to use in my quilting room as my sewing table. Trouble is I always have too much stuff on the desk and it's hard to cut fabric on it, let alone sew anything. Target has a coordinating desk that I was going to buy and use as my cutting table but they wanted $150.00 and that seemed like alot of money. So my wonderful man decided he would make a table for me. We bought the supplies and he put it together.......he's very good at that kind of stuff.....came up with the pattern on his own (my kind of man!). We got it all painted and hocus-pocus.....I have a cutting table!! And it goes perfectly with my desk. Here's where I wish I could show the pictures. Okay, I'm going to figure out what the problem is!!! I can't take it anymore!


  1. Can't wait to see your creative space. I have a similar problem. Never seems to be enough room. It would be cruel to add anything to the "honey do" list right now, so I am going to keep hunting for something cheap for awhile. L,A-

  2. I'm sorry you are having problems posting photos - I hope you get it going soon. If I can help, let me know...
